Europe Africa Merseyside & Mid-Cheshire


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List events by year:

 Invitation to visit Tuscany

Join us for a magical 8-day Tour of Tuscany. We will visit key sights from our base in Pisa and enjoy the delicious food and wine of the region. Bookings to be made via Mistral Holidays and departing from Manchester airport. Deposit deadline, to Mistral, by 26 February.

To find out more click here or email Hilary Rylands .

November Events

November 23, 2023
Theme 90th year celebration
Venue Aspire
Location Trafford College
Date Nov 23, 2023
Time 1800 for 1830
Registration Closed on Nov 15, 2023
Members: 53.00
Guests: 58.00
This event has capacity limit of 50 people.
Registered: 0, Slots Available: 50