Asia Pacific Western Australia

Mas Vino

Theme Mas Vino
Venue Pan Pacific Hotel
Location 207 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Date May 01, 2024
Time 18:00
Host Iain McDougall
Registration Closed on Apr 29, 2024
This event has capacity limit of 40 people.
Registered: 0, Slots Available: 40

Hola to Members,

Cócteles y Tapas....our next event is a cocktail evening at the Pan Pacific Hotel in the CBD.

                    Más Vino is a Spanish cocktail bar located in Pan Pacific Hotel. Más Vino has a menu which includes a range of gourmet small plates. These are pair perfectly with the wine offerings, from delectable cheese and charcuterie to desserts designed to indulge or share. The whole menu at Más Vino is intended to enhance the enjoyment of the wine, cocktails and traditional beverages also on offer.

You are invited to immerse yourself in their thoughtfully tailored wine collection, carefully curated to showcase both local and international varietals. The team are passionate about their craft and are ready to guide you through our selection of wines, each chosen for its quality and character. We will explore new flavours, discover hidden gems, and enhance our appreciation for the art of winemaking.