Europe Africa Herefordshire & Monmouthshire


  • We are some twenty professional and retired professional people who meet about eight times each year

  • the majority of our members live in herefordshire or monmouthshire but we do not have set boundaries and we welcome members and guests

  • We maintain a good balance of member-hosted events and meals in restaurants plus other events

  • Member-hosted events are mostly held in their own homes and two or three members host an event 

  • Variation is made between meal-based events and presentations such as wine tastings

  • Occasionally, we visit vineyards and food production venues such as a smokery

  • Similarly, we go on foreign gastronomic visits to places such as Strasbourg  Guernsey, Bruges and Lille

  • We support the Society's national and international events described in the main website

  • Our events are framed by the Society objectives and specifically:

"The promotion of a broad knowledge and understanding of both wine and food, the enhancement of their appreciation, and the nurturing of camaraderie among those who share the pleasures of the table."