Asia Pacific Cebu
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Encouraging creativity
Encouraging creativity
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Enjoying the best of local produce
Enjoying the best of local produce
Fun with friends, food & wine
Fun with friends, food & wine
Formal fellowship,
Formal fellowship,


IWFS Cebu (Philippines)

The Cebu Branch of the International Wine and Food Society was established on September 5 2008.  It is composed of a small but funloving group of businessmen and women who are serious wine and foodies.  "We are not interested in numbers, but in making sure that the chemistry between our members is perfect.  It is not inexpensive to join our Branch as we source and collect wines for our events, mostly from Bordeaux and Burgundy", says Dondi Joseph, the Branch's Founding President.  The Cebu Branch purchases its collection of wines at international auctions, with Branch Chairman Manny Osmena participating on behalf of the Branch.  

With a population of approximately 1,200,000, Metro Cebu, on the Island of Cebu, is the second largest City in the Philippines.  The highly regarded travel magazine Condé Nast describes Cebu as one of the top tourist island destinations in the world.  Cebu is also well known for its cuisine, in particular, its ‘lechon’ (roast pig).  After a recent visit to the Philippines and Cebu, celebrated food writer Anthony Bourdain proclaimed – “It can now be said that of all the whole roasted pigs I’ve had all over the world, the slow roasted lechon I had on Cebu was the best.” 

Members of IWFS from other branches and zones of IWFS were able to experience firsthand the appeal and charm of Cebu in late 2009, when the Cebu Branch hosted the 2009 APZ AGM and Mini Festival.   A great highlight was the fresh seafood and roast pig (‘lechon’).

Members of the branch meet every two to three months, each taking turns to host an event.  Members also have the opportunity to participate in Regional and International Festivals hosted by other branches around the world.

Membership of the branch is by invitation only.  However, if you are a serious lover of wine and food and are interested in joining the Cebu Branch, please click on Contact Us.